Rules for dating a Virgo

by hornyhot on September 26, 2010

Virgo’s are very specific people, so I felt its only proper to blog about specific rules for those of you currently dating or pursuing a Virgo. I feel dating a Virgo may need guidance because of our high standards for ourselves, and other’s. Virgo’s expect the best from their significant other’s and dislike when their partners don’t put as much effort in as they do.

Be.On.TIME. Never make a Virgo wait, or anyone you’re dating for that matter, its just plain rude! Virgo’s take careful time preparing for a date and become easily frazzled and annoyed if you’re late–especially if you have a pathetic excuse to go with your tardiness. You may of previously intrigued them but if you’re one of those people who are always late then be prepared for your Virgo to lose interest.

Keep your appearance neat and maintained. Virgo’s are easily grossed out and turned off by those who have bad hygiene, slack off on being well-groomed, sloppy attire, dirty skin and other miscellaneous dirty details Virgo’s pick up on immediately. You could be the ultimate catch for a Virgo, but if you’re appearance is out-of-order, BYE.

While on a date, please don’t over-talk. Virgo’s are great listeners but like to have an equal balance of conversation. If you do all the talking (and most of those who do this are completely oblivious to the fact that they can’t shut up!) your Virgo may tune you out and not even call you the next day because your on-going conversation with yourself mentally exhausted your Virgo.

Don’t ask too many questions. By nature, Virgo’s over-analyze way too much; all of your questions may come off as invasive and cause your Virgo to become suspicious or paranoid.

Virgo’s often come off as distant, cold, un-emotional, apathetic, or un-interested. This exterior is simply just an exterior. Behind their “cold” demeanor is an overly-active brain that’s analyzing your every word, movement, appearance, body language, etc. This is why Virgo’s come off distant because their minds literally cannot stop analyzing you and observing what’s going on around them. They do not mean to be rude or cold. Once they’ve observed you and feel a sense of comfort, trust me, the warm-hearted and affectionate Virgo will appear and all their interest in you will be sincere. Don’t take offense to their exterior 🙁

Take. It. Slow. Virgo’s hate being rushed into relationships, period. We look before we leap. For Virgo’s to feel comfortable you need to have patience and give the relationship time. There’s a lot for Virgo’s to consider and a lot of pointless thoughts in their head to dispose of as they’re getting to know you. It may take months or even a year for a Virgo to feel 100% okay with you (more so with female Virgo’s).

Despite popular belief, Virgo’s are spontaneous and love doing things on a whim when it comes to activities. However, when it comes to Virgo’s they need a general heads-up of what to be prepared for during the date, for example: what time are we meeting up? should I keep my outfit simple or wear something that’s casual yet can still get me into a club? will we be outside or indoors? should I eat beforehand so I don’t starve while being adventurous? are you paying for everything or should I bring some cash? Once Virgo’s get a basic idea of what *could* happen, they’re all set to go on an adventure!

Virgo’s love a meeting of the minds-aka mentally stimulating conversation. Movie dates aren’t a good idea unless you’ve been dating your Virgo for a while and you both agree that sitting in silence in a movie theater might be relaxing. I personally hate when a guy suggests going to the movies for a date because then I can’t get to know him, see his face in light, there’s no conversation and we’re restricted to a movie theater the entire time. (Mama Virgo only goes to the movies maybe once a year, no joke!) Be creative with your choice of date and don’t smother a Virgo with affection or come off as obsessed/easy…that’ll creep out a Virgo real quick.

Be prepared and know this now: Virgo’s need lots of reassurance with dating and relationships. What I mean by that is, if a you’re dating a Virgo and go a day or two without talking, Virgo is going to immediately start to worry about you (your well-being, are you ok? are you in a hospital some where? need help? do you suddenly hate me?) Virgo’s are worry-warts BIG TIME. Its understandable if you’ve only been casually dating and the two of you have an understanding that you don’t need to talk everyday, but if you’re in a serious relationship with a Virgo then you need to talk on a daily basis. Virgo’s love to be supportive and always have lots of questions about how you’re doing, how was your day, do you need anything? Don’t take this as them being clingy, take it for what it is: they’re always genuinely concerned and interested and need their thoughts to be put to rest and the only way this can happen is if you talk to your Virgo everyday 🙂

Last but not least…your Virgo and the bedroom. I can’t really speak for the male Virgo’s on this one (but I’d love to hear your input!) but NEVER pressure a Virgo to move fast in the bedroom. If a Virgo doesn’t want to have sex with you just yet its because they’re simply just not comfortable or they may feel physically and mentally unprepared. Maybe your Virgo isn’t feeling sexy that day. If a Virgo doesn’t feel good in their own skin when you want to have sex, they’re NOT going to enjoy it or give it their all. You want this experience to be amazing so take a hint next time your Virgo’s not feelin it and wait it out because once a Virgo’s ready, they bring their A game like no other.

Don’t hear too many words of affection from your Virgo? That’s because Virgo’s show their love by doing, not saying. Virgo’s aren’t exactly verbal creatures and find emotional subjects uncomfortable. If you’re in a serious relationship with a Virgo and haven’t heard the L word yet (LOVE, duh), its because Virgo’s find vocalizing their feelings to be very difficult, way more than other signs would. Virgo’s show love and appreciation by doing things for you…like the saying goes *actions speak louder than words* Give it time, eventually you’re Virgo may open up and become vocal about his or her feelings towards you 🙂


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