I am horny all the time and i love guys, any advice to help control the urge,I am 25. Help?

by hornyhot on September 26, 2010

hahhaa. ‘;stop being a whore’; well, i agree. masturbate, get a dildo, i dont know. anything. just dont get an STD.I am horny all the time and i love guys, any advice to help control the urge,I am 25. Help?

That way you don’t have to deal with guy drama, and you can stop being horny, or get it taken care of right away.I am horny all the time and i love guys, any advice to help control the urge,I am 25. Help?
girl u needa masturbate more often. every girl should know how to pleasure herself.. and invest in a good vibrator, no man -or woman- can compete with a vibrator
You can always masturbate. But hell! what’s the problem? Lol if you got the urge why bother taming it? Have some fun.
Really? We should hang out. Id masturbate to control yourself. Buy a vibrator or a dildo, that just might do it.
You remind me of Samantha from sex and the city…

Well you could try masturbating on a regualr basis?
find a hobby
Dang…I’d love to help! ;*)
or i can help with those urges 🙂
lose weights
When u find a good answer pls tell me…we are the same


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