How to tell if a difficult woman likes you

by hornyhot on October 4, 2009

Ok, I don’t claim to know everything about all women everywhere. After all, difficult women are probably the most complicated life form you’ll find on earth. Think about it. Of all living things, homo sapiens are the most complicated species, and of all the varieties of homo sapiens, women are the most complicated, and of all women, difficult women are the most complicated. We’re at the top of the food chain of messed-uppedness. And at the bottom of that food chain are single-celled organisms, fungi, and a few of my ex-boyfriends.

But seriously, having conducted intense study on the mating habits of both complicated and uncomplicated women alike, here are a few predominant signs I’ve noticed that indicate a difficult woman might actually be falling in love with you.

She asks favors of you. Most difficult women are too proud/stubborn/independent to admit that they can’t do something on their own. Even in the direst of emergencies, she’d rather ask another woman or, if absolutely necessary, a male relative for help, rather than turn to anyone who might jump at the chance to treat her like a damsel in distress.

You catch her staring at you. Even in the early stages of a relationship, a difficult woman will refuse to admit that she finds you attractive. The general pretense is that she’s doing you a favor by graciously allowing you to date her, so far be it from her to pay any attention to you. You know you’re making progress if she’s starting to notice you.

She gets dressed up to go out with you. Now, the reverse is true for normal women. But difficult women usually have more to worry about than whether or not they’re attractive to every man they meet. If they get dressed up, it’s most likely for one person in particular. One of my favorite weeder tricks is to wear my nerd uniform– old jeans, spiderman t-shirt, ponytail, and birth control glasses– and see if a guy will still follow me around. It’s great fun.

She leaves her purse behind when you take her out. This may seem weird, but it’s a VERY powerful message she’s sending, inadvertantly or not. A woman’s purse is her survival kit. It’s her independence, her defense from anything that might come her way. Any time I go out, I’m ready for whatever a guy might put me through. My purse’s got pepper spray, cab money, my cell phone, a couple of energy bars… you get the idea. It takes a lot of trust to leave that in the car for a few hours at a time, so if a difficult woman does that, it means she trusts you and, even more importantly, isn’t afraid to depend on you.

She’ll admit that you’re right. Come to think of it, if a difficult woman will even bother to argue with you in the first place, that in itself is a good sign. Difficult women are very intelligent and, consequently, tend to be right most of the time. They’re used to that. To win an argument with a difficult woman requires patience, intelligence, and some serious balls of steel because, even if she’s wrong, she’ll grind you into a pulp one way or the other. If she can’t win the argument she’s already in, she’ll change the subject to something she CAN win. But for her to admit defeat, apologize, or assume any other position of submission is a sign that she’s secure in your respect for her. This is a good thing.


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